V I D E O S A T S A N G S 2 0 0 9 |
A R L I N G T O N - 2 0 0 9
Arlington, USA, August 17th 2009 Satsang 
W A S H I N G T O N - 2 0 0 9
Thoughts Don't Belong To Anybody 
Keywords :  Thoughts appear and disappear all by themselves, but there is no ownership to be claimed, because there is no owner. Close [x]
Molecules Moving In The Movie 
Keywords :  What is happening ? Molecules are merely moving in this movie we call Life. Close [x]
Existence Itself Doesn't Exist 
Keywords :  Everything is appearance only. No-thing actually exists in this dream state we call the movie. Close [x]
The Kali Yuga Age Is Coming To An End 
Keywords : awakening, kali yuga, internet, master, advaita, quickening There was time, when awakening was the privilege of a few, and that era is coming to an end. It will come back, it's all cyclical, but that Kali Yuga age is coming to an end, and so awakening is on the internet, it's freely available, the steps are there, whether the steps will be taken or not, that's the flow. And it's not that "Oh, we know how to do it, so it will be possible !", it's more that the cycle of the earth, of manifestation, is moving into that part of the wheel, totally cyclical, whereby awakening is very possible. It's not as difficult as it was said in the scriptures, because the last time we came into the Kali Yuga age, I don't know if we got any scriptures in those times, not a whole lot. So it's much more accessible, there is a wave of awakening (...). (Questioner : I have some unexamined notions that we have to go through severe austerities, to burn up some of the deep things, and only a few can do that...). Yes. And that's how it was last thousands years, it was about spendind twelve years with your master before you get taught anything about Advaita, there were the structures, now there's a quickening. And it's not because the world is going to dissolve itself, it's not the whole thing will all be enlightened... rubbish, it's just an expression, it's just a manifestation that is unfolding... (Questioner : But the frequencies are more widespread, and maybe it's not as difficult...). Yes, it's not as difficult at all, no, no. Even the physiological alignment will be less than what it was for me and others in the past, the physical alignment is now more gentler, when for me, something like 3 years ago, there were rattling, shaking, disfuntion and inability to talk... So go for it ! (Laughter) And in the 'going for it', 'you' can't get it (Laughter). It's just a concept, a shift. But don't replace it with a concept that "it's easy". It's just that, that's how it was, point. Rest at the source of the next thought, that's all. Rest at the source of the next thought. That's all.Close [x]
Religion Is Placed On Top Of The Truth 
Keywords :  Religion is placed on top of the Truth in order to make it accessible to more people and to protect the scripture. Mantras, gods, and meditation can help bring the mind to one point of focus, but eventually, one must drop underneath, and place attention on That which is underlying It all. At some point, it will be seen that all practices are perpetuating the idea that "I" have something to do. Place attention on That which is outside of the "I" story. Rest in what you are. Close [x]
You Are Your Own Guru 
Keywords :  You are your own Guru. In the movie, you have to take this path alone, because even if the Guru is followed, at a certain point, the teacher, the teachings, the whole lot becomes the obstacle (to realizing that You Are It; always and already). Close [x]
There Are No Separate Beings 
Keywords :  Suffering (or happiness) simply pass through what you Are. They don't happen to a personal "I". The personal "I" is only a thought. There is no ownership, only appearances. Close [x]
The Only Thing That's Real Is Silence 
Keywords :  It's all in the movie. Even placing attention to what is prior to the movie, is in the movie. But somehow, the personal 'I' is seen to be total cause of suffering, and it disappears, when you stop paying attention to it, and you stop taking it to be real. And then somehow, the movie is just always seen to be the movie. (...) It's all concepts. It's all "the movie". Self-realization even happens in the movie. But what about the screen ? Close [x]
One Is One Too Many 
Keywords :  Yes, this is a movie. I'm All of IT. I'm You. You're me. But even Oneness is in the movie. You need two to say that all is one. What have you got left when you take away even One? Nothing. Close [x]
It's All God 
Keywords :  God is the Totality of Consciousness. Close [x]
I Never Was Anything 
Keywords :  I never was anything, because this dream called Life never actually happened. We only, and literally, imagine that it has happened. Perhaps that is the biggest illusion, believing we ever were. Close [x]
There's Nothing Wrong With The Movie 
Keywords :  There's nothing wrong with the movie we call life. It is unfolding all by Itself. All is well. We are the screen, and therefore, have no need to worry about the fictional characters and events in the film. But worry not, compassion and love for All still arises. Close [x]
Dark Night Of The Soul (1/3) 
Keywords :  It passes. Just settle. It will pass. Be gentle with yourself. Close [x]
Dark Night Of The Soul (2/3) 
Keywords :  I see what you really Are. I see torture manifesting as thought. It's just an experience. Let it land on Love. Focus on the Love underneath the thoughts. The Love that is touched is not damaged. Love has a soft voice. Close [x]
Dark Night Of The Soul (3/3) 
Keywords :  Running from Softness, maintains the suffering. Give them (the tortuous thoughts) to me. You keep nothing. Let it go. Your punishment is over. All debts are cleared. Let Freedom come. Close [x]
I, Me, Mine, They All Go 
Keywords :  I, Me, Mine...they all go. And what remains? There's just Stillness and Certainty going on afterwards. Close [x]
Love Is Gentle, Relaxed And At Ease 
Keywords :  Before the movement of Duality, there is Love. Know that you are Love. Love yourself exquisitely and unconditionally. Close [x]
Just Jump ! 
Keywords :  Let It take you. Things will be taken care of. You can't lose any ground. Just jump. Close [x]
Life force Itself Is An Appearance 
Keywords :  Life-force Itself is an appearance within the movie. You are holding the whole show. The model that things take care of themselves is everywhere. Close [x]
It's All The Same 
Keywords :  What if anger and bliss were perceived as being the same thing? Would there ever arise then the desire to create a scenario where one would be preferred over the other ? There are many ornaments, but only one substance; gold. Before Enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. After Enlightenment, chopping wood and carrying water. It's All the same. Close [x]
The Beliefs Are Creating The I 
Keywords :  The beliefs are the obstacle. The beliefs are creating and maintaining the false sense of "I". Close [x]
The Path Is The Obstacle 
Keywords :  Drop the whole show. Rest Awareness in what you are. Place Attention in what you are. Maintaining a path is maintaining a sense of a separate "I". Close [x]
Do Not Be A Slave Of Your Thoughts 
Keywords :  You're creating "fun" in your head. There is no linear time. This is as good as it gets. What's happening is lovely, fine, and easy. Close [x]
T O R O N T O - 2 0 0 9
Sessions at Never Not Here (Toronto, August 31st 2009) 
Keywords :   Go back to knowing that it is simple. The fun is in the busy-ness as long as it's fun for you. And when you see that it's just more of the same stories, all about 'me', drop it. You can observe what goes on benignely, but keep going. From the position of observer, take that last step. Who's the one observing ? Go there. Who is that ultimate, absolute observer, where 'seeing itself' arises from ? Let attention rest there. Let it be ok that nothing has happening. Let the show be over, let the movie, the story of 'I' as an individual person, be over. And see what happens. Truth will reveal itself, absolute clarity of how this matrix works, will show itself to be no more than a matrix. And somehow, a capacity to enjoy what ever is unfolding is always there. You don't have to be perfect, you don't have to have good health, you don't have to do it before your body dies, it's got nothing to do with anything : it's right now, place your attention behind any stories, any concepts. From there, freedom arises, beauty arises, love arises. But don't take my word for it, do it. And prove me wrong, I'd be delighted. I'll take on that challenge any day (laughter). Do it and find out. So blessings on all of us, who're pretending to be human. Close [x]
Sessions at Never Not Here (Toronto, August 30th 2009) (1/2) (Audio Only) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (Toronto, August 30th 2009) (2/2) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (Toronto, August 29th 2009) (1/2) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (Toronto, August 29th 2009) (2/2) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (Toronto, August 28th 2009) 
C H I C A G O - 2 0 0 9
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 19th 2009) (1/5) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 19th 2009) (2/5) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 19th 2009) (3/5) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 19th 2009) (4/5) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 19th 2009) (5/5) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (1/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (2/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (3/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (4/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (5/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (6/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 18th 2009) (7/7) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 17th 2009) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 16th 2009) (1/4) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 16th 2009) (2/4) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 16th 2009) (3/4) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 16th 2009) (4/4) 
Sessions at Never Not Here (July 15th 2009) 
Keywords :   Jenny about difficult times, things getting really intense on the path. Jac : It was intense over a long period. Once realization started to happen, the intensity speed up, and towards the end of believing the thoughts to be true, towards the end of that apparent reality, ego got vicious, thoughts became vicious. Like anything that is dying, the pull towards life force, the pull to live also applies to the ego, it's an energetic structure that's in the brain. So of course it's going to fight for its life force, that's part of creation, resistance to death seems to be in all forms. Within the appearance of ego existence, its death was a vicious one for me. And at that time, the only thing I could anchor to is "this will pass, and that could be going crazy but that's ok, I could end up in a psychiatric hospital and that's gonna be alright too. It was total surrender, even to that, because it will take everything, and it feels it takes everything, but it's only what you're not. But if you spent your own life believing what you're not, then of course it is everything, the paradox is at play there. So one thing to be carefull of, is not going into self-pity, because that energy will fatten the ego. If that energy is inviting itself, don't go there. Just let your anchor be surrender, and what is happening will pass. Because all states that are part of this 'process' are passing, are transcient, and the crazyness, the intensity will pass too. Something underneath it is taking care of all, is taking care of what you really are. Jenny : In the end, does the mind gives up ? Jac : Yes. The personal objective mind gets burnt, it gets destroyed by what you are, by the life force of ther natural state, that which arises from grace, that what you are is pulling it home, and it just keep screaming. (...) Close [x]
Never Not Here Show (July 14th 2009) 
S K Y P E / W E B C A S T S A T S A N G S - 2 0 0 9
Skype Satsang at Never Not Here (April 5th 2009) 
Skype Satsang at Never Not Here (April 19th 2009) 
Skype Satsang at Never Not Here (April 26th 2009) 
Skype Satsang at Never Not Here (March 24th 2009) 
S A T S A N G S E X C E R P T S - 2 0 0 9
The Falling Through Of The Illusion 
Love Loves To Love 
All Of This Movie Has To Go 
Tenderness Is Not A Goal 
How The Story Fuels The Ego 
What Is This "Time To Pop" ? 
Decision Making 
Born To Be Free (Jac's Book) 
You're Giving Me Beliefs 
Let Me Out Of Here 
The Absence Of Nothing 
Depression's Roots 
The Stillness Even In A Web Cast 
V I D E O S A T S A N G S 2 0 0 8 |
I N D I A - 2 0 0 8
In Tiruvannamalai India with Richard Miller 
No Role To Play (excerpt) 
What Makes Sense For You (excerpt) 
I Am Not The Doer (excerpt) 
Get What You Can Out Of This (excerpt) 
How About Tenderness ? (excerpt) 
This Is IT ! (excerpt) 
My Thoughts Or Your Thoughts (excerpt) 
Our Software Dissolves (excerpt) 
Nothing Is Really Happening (excerpt) 
Born To Be Free (excerpt) 
S U B T I T L E D V I D E O S |
S O U S - T I T R E S F R A N Ç A IS
Les Racines De La Dépression 
Ce Que Vous Êtes 
Nés Pour Être Libres 
Avec Richard Miller en Inde 
A U D I O S A T S A N G S 2 0 0 9 |
U S A - D A L L A S - 2 0 0 9
July 20th 2009 Satsang 
July 21st 2009 Satsang 
July 22nd 2009 Satsang 
U S A - W A S H I N G T O N - 2 0 0 9
August 14th, 2009 satsang 
August 15th, 2009 satsang (1/2) 
August 15th, 2009 satsang (2/2) 
August 16th, 2009 satsang (1/2) 
August 16th, 2009 satsang (2/2) 
U S A - R O C H E S T E R - 2 0 0 9
August 22nd, 2009 satsang (1/3) 
August 22nd, 2009 satsang (2/3) 
August 22nd, 2009 satsang (3/3) 
August 23rd, 2009 satsang (1/4) 
August 23rd, 2009 satsang (2/4) 
August 23rd, 2009 satsang (3/4) 
August 23rd, 2009 satsang (4/4) 
U S A - M A U I , H A W A Ï - 2 0 0 9
July 9th, 2009 satsang 
July 10th, 2009 satsang 
U S A - C H A R L O T T E - 2 0 0 9
July 25th, 2009 satsang (1/3) 
July 25th, 2009 satsang (2/3) 
July 25th, 2009 satsang (3/3) 
U S A - C H I C A G O - 2 0 0 9
1st Introduction Session, July 14th 2009 
2nd Satsang, July 15th 2009 
3rd Satsang, July 16th 2009 
4th Satsang, July 16th 2009 
5th Satsang, July 17th 2009 
6th Satsang, July 18th 2009 
7th Satsang, July 18th 2009 
8th Satsang, July 19th 2009 
9th Satsang, July 19th 2009 
C A N A D A - T O R O N T O - 2 0 0 9
August 24th, 2009 satsang 
August 28th, 2009 satsang 
August 29th, 2009 satsang 
August 30th, 2009 satsang (1/2) 
August 30th, 2009 satsang (2/2) 
August 31st, 2009 satsang 
I R E L A N D - L O U I S B U R G H - 2 0 0 9
April 8th 2009 Satsang 
Keywords :   There is nothing to fix, nothing to do, nothing needs to be better, nicer, or in a certain way : all that stuff is just thoughts, there's no need to take any interest in it. How things are is just fine. Rest. Rest on the inside. Even if life was to stop right now, and this would be the end of your incarnation, it would be ok, because that faculty who wants to control would stop. And there would be nothing within you who needed to be to be different to how it is. Don't be bothered by that faculty that wants things to be different. (...) Nothing to achieve, no place to go. Let it be all over. And rest. And if you can, see if you can leave part of your awareness within you, and engage just enough for attention, to be able to connect to what's going on in the room. Try not to let yourself jump out into what's going on in the room, as if you can make your energy stand back a bit. Stay on the inside. And just enough to engage, can come up. Retain that sens of a connection to that still place within. And bring just a little bit of attention back into the room. When you open your eyes, try not to jump up to what you see, just let seeing happen. Let it be soft. Let just see what happens. Whatever will happen is fine. It's fine. Close [x]
April 9th 2009 Satsang 
I R E L A N D - W A T E R F O R D - 2 0 0 9
June 5th 2009 Satsang 
June 6th 2009 Satsang (1/2) 
June 6th 2009 Satsang (2/2) 
June 7th 2009 Satsang 
May 19th 2009 Satsang 
I R E L A N D - D U B L I N - 2 0 0 9
June 13th 2009 Satsang 
June 14th 2009 Satsang (1/2) 
June 14th 2009 Satsang (2/2) 
I R E L A N D - G A L W A Y - 2 0 0 9
June 19th 2009 Satsang 
June 20th 2009 Satsang (1/2) 
June 20th 2009 Satsang (2/2) 
June 21st 2009 Satsang (1/2) 
June 21st 2009 Satsang (2/2) 
May 7th 2009 Satsang 
F R A N C E - N I C E - 2 0 0 9
September 12th 2009 Satsang (1/2) 
September 12th 2009 Satsang (2/2) 
September 13th 2009 Satsang (1/3) 
September 13th 2009 Satsang (2/3) 
September 13th 2009 Satsang (3/3) 
N N H S H O W S - 2 0 0 9
Never Not Here Show, December 9th, 2008, India 
Never Not Here Show, April 5th, 2009 Webcast 
Never Not Here Show, April 19th, 2009 Webcast 
Never Not Here Show, April 26th, 2009 Webcast 
W E B S I T E N O T I C E |
"Jackie O'Keeffe was raised in rural Ireland. Wanting to know about God she studied theology and music. Graduating in the 1980's, her studies left her disillusioned and a non-believer. Turning her focus to issues of social inequality, she studied adult and community education, and began her career interweaving community development with the arts. In 1997, her life changed dramatically when her sixth sense awakened. Quite spontaneously, she was able to see chakras, energy fields and auras. Moreover, she could communicate with animals and with those who have passed away. A busy practice in healing work developed within a short time, with Jackie offering private sessions and residential retreats. She developed and delivered holistic programmes that focused on viewing depression as a spiritual awakening rather than a bio-chemical disorder. Using a variety of methodologies, her work had the primary focus of raising consciousness. Jackie continued for seven years as a spiritual teacher, before stopping her work in 2006 and leaving Ireland to deepen her own spiritual practice. Her personal quest led to that which is beyond the mind - a transcendence of dualistic thought. Jackie now lives in Ireland and India. She facilitates spiritual gatherings in question-and-answer format, offering clear pointers to spiritual seekers of truth."
Deeply touched by her energy and words, by this nectar of truth emanating from her form, I've built this website to collect and group all audio and video satsang material from Jac O'Keeffe, which can be found here and there on Internet. Thank you Jac ! Namaste !
Please visit Jac O'Keeffe Official Website : www.jackieokeeffe.com. There, you can buy her amazing book "Born to be free"..
This website is still a work in progress. If you wish to transcribe some of these satsangs, you're welcome to do it, and I'll add the texts to the videos. Contact me (top left menu).
Browse - This is the way to navigate through the main page, where all videos and audio satsangs are organized by places and dates. Click on a video/audio title link will open and autoplay the chosen video or audio in a transparent pop-up (just wait a bit for buffering). Click on the little text icon in front of some video or audio link will slide/open a text transcribes box from this video/audio. White icons hides some text notes about the video/audio, blue icons hides full text transcribes of the videos/audio files. To go back to top of the main page, just click the top banner.
Audio - You can listen to the audio satsangs on this website, just left clic on any of them, and it will be played in a pop-up. You also can download them (right clic, save file) to load them on your iPod.
Quotes - On top left menu, click on Quotes link will refresh and print a new Jac O'Keeffe quotes at the top of the page.